Omar Khalid Hashim

Saturday 29 June 2013

“Miss you my love”

When we go back to the memories,
We will close our eyes a little bit,
How many times we wish if we will be a spotter blind,
So as to not wake up from those dreams,
And from those memories,            
I was napping this night,
I come back to my memories of that place,
Where we were the revival of the three of us (you, I and that tree),
My spirit took me to that place,
Where we sketch on the tree our characters names” you, I”
You deported and I stayed alone,
I wish I was with you or deported with you,
But remained letters of your name on that tree,
I want to tell you that I pulled those characters of your name in the tree,
I put it in my bag,
But the fact I did not put it there in my bag,
I put it in another place,
I have place in my heart,
And that place just for you,
My love I will irrigate those characters by my tears,
In every morning and evening,
So as not to wilt and to never forget,
I will make it grow in the internal,
And I will take seed of it when will appear,
I will distribute between all the lover,
Oh, my love,
I was afraid about you from the cold,
When you was with me,
When we were out together in the Parks,
I was putting my coat on your shoulders,
I was feeling in your cold cheeks when I was touching it,
My love reassures me now,
Do you feel cold and you're on your grave?
My love I did not forget you,
And I will never forget you,
I was in Love with you’re alive,

And in love with you're dead,

This poem about two lovers and they were meeting each other under the tree in a park. They wrote litters of them names on the tree. One day the man die and his beloved become alone.

By "Omar Khalid Hashim"

Friday 28 June 2013

لماذا نحن نكتب بلغة الانكليزية ؟ لماذا نستخدم الانكليزية اكثر من لغة الام؟

هذا السؤال طرحه سابقا احد كتاب الادب الافريقي (نكاكي) سال هذا السؤال في احد مقالته. لماذا كتاب الروايات والقصه القصيرة والشعر يستخدمون الانكليزيه في افريقيا. ايضا هذا احد اسباب الاستعمار لكن الشعب لا يوعى عليها وهي ان الاستعمار في غايته البقاء لكن عن طريقة ثانية. على سبيل المثال لو سالنا نفسنا لماذا المستعمر يفتح المدارس ويجلب المساعدات لم يسال اي شخص هذا السؤال . ان الهدف من هذه الاشياء الى وهي جلب المحبه من الشعب الى الاستعمار وسلب عقولهم واغوائهم لكن عن طريقة ثانيه. لو قلنا في سبيل المثال في العراق ان المستعمر الامريكي قد يفتح ويبني بعض المدارس والمستشفيات لكن ماهو هدفه من هذا وماهي الوسيله من هذه. أن الغرب يعتقد انه هو صاحب السلطه وهو المسيطر الوحيد على الشعب الذي استعمر من قبله. ايضا من ناحية اللغه الانكليزيه قد يجعل هذا بقاء المستعمر حيث طرح هذا السؤال نكاكي لماذا لانكتب رواياتنا وقصائدنا واشعارنا بلغة الام وان اراد الشعب الاوربي نترجم لهم لكن هم جعلونا نكتب في الانليزية حتى يجعلوا من لغتهم غنيه ويسحقوا اللغه الاخره. افكار جاء بها الاستعمار ليس فقط هذه الفكره بل عده افكار تطرح لكن هل من مستوعب لهذا الموقف هنا السؤال ..... 

Do you want to describe you

Tell me how I can describe you,

Do you want to describe you from up to down,

Do you want to describe every pieces in your body,

Late me analyzes your name,

Which every litter from it makes me lucky,

Whatever the people say about you I didn't listen to them,

They said may be she will betray you,

But how can the solider betray his homeland,

They said she will not choose you,

But how can the Bee choose another planet,

They said„„, and still saying,

But your love makes me blind,

If I tell you may you will not believe,

I forget how many litter in my name,

I can't walk in the street,

Because your love make me blind,

They said„„, and even to now still talking,

But I chose my way, 

Exchange of love between us

I wonder when I see you, 
Has sent the Spirit spread aloof, 
And on your lips of snow come down my lips, 
And I bite your beautiful lips and flared fire, 
And cut your lips sincerely the word stop, 
You touch my hand and melted thorns, 
Road is very long rest little my body tired, 
I shiver I feel in love and heart thirsty, 

Smaller World

Stretch out my hand humbly, 

I will be like the bridge for good people, 

Through the arrogant, 

My whole power will be snobby, 

If you ascend Mount, 

Look at people's eyes, 

In fact who will climb Mount? 

Anyone rises, 

Will see the smaller world, 

And the same is, 

Who looks up? 

True love

Small planet
Small world,
People said listen to your mind,
My mind said listen to your heart,
My love become faster more then wind,
My heart rate become faster than light,
People talk,
And I become like deaf in front you,
O, God
People work
People walk,
And I am like block,
Love learn,
Love earn,
And I become like mad,
Some think,
Some bring,
And I become drink,
People sad,
People happy,
And am like lost,
Some still cry,
Some still laugh,
And am cant say to you bye,

I love you

People live,
People die,
You are always in my heart,
Like moon appear in the middle night,
And like moon draw in sky,
You still live in my heart,
Like blood being in my veins,
You are always in my eye’s,
Like star in the high,
Some gave up,
Some still try,
I love you for ever until I die,

I still love you

Tell me how I can describe you,
Do you want to describe you from up to down,
Do you want to describe every pieces in you body,
Late me analyzes your name,
Which every litter from it makeem,
They said may be she will betray you,
But how can the solider betray his homeland,
They said she will not choose you,
But how can the Bee choose another planet,
They said„„,and  still saying,
But your love makes me blind,
If I tell you may you will not believe,
I forget how many litter in my name,
I can’t walk in the street,
Because your love make me blind,
They said„„, and even to now still talking,
But I chose my way,


You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise.
You're the last thing I think of
Each night when I close my eyes.
You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take.
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move I make.
I want to prove I love you
But that's the hardest part.
So, I'm giving all I have to give
To you... I give my heart.