EUROPE (1848-1871)
Victorian England
Politics in Great Britain at this time can be summed up as a grand--and
unresolved--debate between classical liberalism, represented by William
Gladstone, and interventionist conservatism, represented by Benjamin Disraeli.
(Note: These political terms have essentially no resemblance to their modern
usage, so as we trace the story of England at this time, try to forget the
modern definitions of "liberal" and "conservative".)
Though Gladstone began his career as a Tory (the nickname for members of
the Conservative Party), he became the leader of the Liberal Party and a
champion of classical liberalism, the economic and political philosophy that
opposed state intervention in economic affairs, supported free trade,
competition, and individual initiative as the key to success. This philosophy
was, above all, an attack on privilege--on the aristocrats, on the Anglican
Church. Liberals believed that talent alone should dictate a man's advancement
in the world. Under Gladstone, Britain abolished tariffs, cut defense spending,
lowered taxes, kept budgets balanced, reformed the civil service into a
merit-based promotion system, and made elementary education available to and
mandatory for everyone.
While Gladstone advanced a liberal version of England's future, Disraeli
advocated a different view, known as conservatism. Supported by an odd
coalition of great privilege and the agrarian poor, the Conservative Party
pushed for state intervention in the economy on behalf of both the
disadvantaged and the landed elite. Both supported tariffs because they helped
British agriculture and British domestic industries. While Disraeli was prime
minister, the government passed through the following changes:
1. Factory Act of 1875,
setting a maximum of a fifty-six hour workweek.
2. Public Health Act, establishing a sanitary code.
3. Artisans Dwelling Act, defining minimum housing standards.
4. Trade Union Act, permitting picketing and other peaceful labor
As power in parliament switched back and forth, depending upon who was
able to craft the more effective voter coalition, England remained insulated
from the revolutions and popular uprisings that plagued Europe from 1830-1848,
and took considerable pride in that fact. Victorian England was on the road to
great strength, maintained by its unparalleled peace at home.
The question remains, however: Why was there no revolutionary uprising
in Great Britain? After all, Britain was ruled by an aristocratic or bourgeois
elite that excluded democrats, radicals, and workers; further, the government
was not fully representative, since in 1832, only 20 percent of the population
could fulfill the property qualifications to vote. As explained by historian
Mark Kishlansky, England experienced no revolution because its ruling elite, of
common background and education, was able to change and adapt to the shifting
needs and opinions of modern society.
The Liberals represented the economic and political wishes of the
British bourgeoisie--industrial (to some extent), merchant, and
professional--and the Conservatives represented the conservative elements of
society. Granted, everyone else in society was excluded from voting and, thus,
direct representation; however, in many cases, both parties responded to the
needs of workers and the poor, most notably the Conservatives. The essential
difference between the ruling elites in Britain and those on the Continent was
their common background and common philosophy. In Prussia and France, nobles
were dedicated to the preservation of their privilege by birthright alone; in
England, nobles were dedicated to the preservation of the rights of Englishmen.
Granted, to them, "Englishmen" meant fellow nobles and the wealthy;
however, the different perspective in terms of rights rather than privilege was
more conducive to allowing the English aristocrats to understand liberal
demands in the 1840s and respond to them with political and gradual change.
The peace that prevailed in Europe throughout most of the nineteenth
century has often been called the "Pax Britannia," like the "Pax
Romana" that prevailed during the golden age of Rome. Now, Britain did not
use her armies to actively enforce peace throughout Europe and the globe;
however, her role as a key victor over Napoleon and unquestioned mistress of
the seas kept overt aggression in check until the German army and navy could
compete effectively at the beginning of the twentieth century. Besides
Britain's foreign policy, domestic policy that ensured peace at home also
strengthened London's image as an enforcer of fair peace in the world. Professor
Kishlansky sums up the great success of Britain in this era by referring to its
great compromise: the reconciliation of industrialists' commitment to unimpeded
growth and workers' needs for protection from the state. Only Great Britain
succeeded in doing this prior to the great explosion of the welfare state and
modern, regulated capitalism.
When revolutions erupted throughout Europe in 1848, radicals from Prague
to Paris, Naples to Berlin were interested in overthrowing the conservative
establishment that had ruled Europe since the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in
1815. Revolution was in the name of change, but every revolt failed. By the end
of the year, a strong president was in charge of France, taking dictatorial
powers within three years. In Austria, the Austrian army suppressed each and
every urban revolt, reasserting the power and rule of the conservative
However, where radical revolution failed, nationalism took hold and
succeeded. Italian unification, after centuries of disunity, was finally
realized in 1861, with the proclamation of Italy under the Sardinian king. By
1870, with the annexation of Rome and its surrounding provinces from France and
the Pope, the entire boot of Italy became one united nation-state. Just to the
north, the wily political animal that was Otto von Bismarck used everything
from war to harsh diplomacy to finally unite the German provinces under the
Prussian crown in 1871. Central Europe, previously divided by more powerful
interests to the west and east, was finally consolidated into viable and strong
states (Germany).
Meanwhile, Great Britain continued its pattern of gradual reform and
experienced firsthand an active debate over government intervention in the
economy and society. Russia, the most backward of all the European powers,
frightened by her defeat in the Crimean War, finally moved to some reforms in
society and government; however, these reforms were halfhearted and did not
effect lasting change. The period between 1848 and 1871, therefore, can be
considered a transition period when most nations focused on domestic matter and
where those leaders who understood the interconnection between domestic and
foreign affairs succeeded beyond their expectations.
The Leap into Modernity: Europe, 1848-1871
Students tend to minimize the historical importance of the twenty-three
years that begin the second half of the nineteenth century. Industrialization
had already taken hold in Britain, Germany, and, to a lesser extent, France;
few alive in Europe at the time, furthermore, could remember what life was like
under Napoleon Bonaparte. In many ways, this millisecond in the grand scope of
recorded history is a bridge--from x to y. Historians have named many varying
notions as x and y; in this SparkNote, we hope to provoke thought on each and,
hopefully, inspire you to come to your own answer to the following question:
What, if anything, changed in Europe from 1848 to 1871?
Let's say, as some historians do, that x equals the "early
modern" period and y equals the "modern" period. Now, this makes
it necessary for us to define two things: "modern," and
"modern" in terms of what? Do we mean politics, technology, industry,
society, culture, and so on? Let us try to define these terms.
Traditionally, "early modern" European history is seen in a
much broader scope--namely, the period immediately after the Renaissance, the
true bridge from pre-modern, or Medieval, to modern history. Within
"modern history," traditionally defined, we can make two
subdivisions: the "early" stage of modern history, ending within
years of 1815, and the "late" stage of modern history, beginning
within years of 1871. Simply put, therefore, the period between 1848- 1871, is
an essential plank in the bridge that connects modern history.
Consider these "before and after" contrasts: Before, the
"concert of Europe" maintained peace; after, Europe was on the road
to World War I. Before, the Russian army dominated the continent; after, Russia
was humiliated and weakened by European and Asian enemies. Before, central
Europe was a disjointed region of independent principalities; after, the newly
unified nation-states of Germany and Italy upset the balance of power in Europe
forever. Before, national interests were, without question, bound up with the
interests of the ruling aristocracy; after, the notion of workers' rights and
social democracy dragged European politics forever leftward. Before, Europe
occupied only a small percentage of the world's land; after, the imperial
centers of Europe commanded nearly all the world outside the Western
Hemisphere. All this is to say that before 1815, Europe was vastly different
than after 1871. We will focus on the second part of the bridge within
modernity from 1815-1871, spanning Europe from 1848 to 1871.
Important Terms, People, and Events
Classical liberalism - The economic and political philosophy
that opposed state intervention in economic affairs, supported free trade,
competition, and individual initiative as the key to success; this philosophy
was, above all, an attack on privilege, on the aristocrats, on the Anglican
Church; liberals believed that talent alone should dictate a man's advancement
in the world; supported in England by William Gladstone.
Conservatism - A political and economic philosophy that
supported state intervention in the economy on behalf of the disadvantaged;
supported the maintenance of traditional institutions of privilege in the name
of preservation of tradition and custom that worked in the past; supported in
England by Benjamin Disraeli.
Frankfurt Assembly - May 1848-June 1849. German national
parliament that tried and failed to create a united German state during the
1848 revolutions. First meeting in May 1848, the convention was populated by
middle class civil servants, lawyers, and intellectuals dedicated to liberal
reform. However, after drawing the boundaries for a German state and offering
the crown to Friedrich Wilhelm, the Kaiser refused in March 1849, dooming hopes
for a united, liberal Germany, and the Frankfurt assembly dissolved soon after.
Peace of Paris - 1856; ended the Crimean War; Russia
relinquished its claim as the protector of Christianity in the Ottoman Empire
and the Black Sea was neutralized among all powers; solidified a complete
defeat for Russia.
Plebiscites - Popular votes on one question or issue on the
ballot; Camillo di Cavour used these to legitimize Sardinia's role as the
central nation in unification as he arranged these votes in every province to
be annexed by Sardinia into the Italian state.
Realpolitik - The notion that politics must be conducted in
terms of the realistic assessment of power and the self-interest of individual
nation-states, and the pursuit of those interests by any means, often ruthless
and violent ones; used skillfully by Camillo di Cavour and Otto von Bismarck in
their policies toward national unification.
Risorgimento - Literally, "resurgence"; the name
given to the movement for Italian unification because the movement hoped to
bring Italy back to its former ancient glory through unification into one
political entity; succeeded with proclamation of Italian state in 1861, finally
completed with annexation of Rome in 1870.
Serfdom - An institution in Russia and many eastern European
states in which peasants were legally tied to the land that they farmed and
could not leave that land without expressed permission from the baron or
landowner; created an immobile peasantry and a form of slavery; ended with the
Emancipation of 1861.
Alexander II - Russian Tsar 1855-1881; known as a reformer
for his Great Reforms program that included changes in education, judicial
matters, military readiness, and expression freedom; issued the Emancipation
edict of 1861 to free the serfs; but his record only shows him to be a
half-hearted reformer, never really interested in compromising any element of
his power; assassinated in 1881 by a radical because of his lackluster
performance as a reformer.
Otto von Bismarck - 1815-1898; German chancellor and
architect of German unification under the Prussian crown; ruthlessly used
realpolitik in his endeavors; instigated fabricated conflicts with Denmark,
Austria, and France to acquire the land he believed should be part of the
German Empire.
Camillo di Cavour - 1810-1861; Sardinian prime minister and
architect of Italian unification under Sardinia's crown; skillfully used
realpolitik and his understanding of international relations to enhance
Sardinia's stature as a European power and use the French-Austrian conflict to
his advantage.
Charles Darwin - 1809-1882; scientist, biologist. Sparked by
a visit to the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle, Darwin published On the
Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection in 1859. Darwin's ideas
dramatically affected societal self-conception, challenging the uniqueness of
man and the relation of man to God, spurring the development of the scientific
field of evolution and less scientific ideas such as Social Darwinism.
Benjamin Disraeli - 1804-1881; leader of the Conservative
Party, dedicated to government intervention and the maintenance of traditional
institutions of privilege for tradition and stability purposes; his government
passed the Factory Act of 1875, setting a maximum of a fifty-six hour
work-week; the Public Health Act, establishing a sanitary code; the Artisans
Dwelling Act, defining minimum housing standards; and the Trade Union Act,
permitting picketing and other peaceful labor tactics.
Giuseppe Garibaldi - Italian patriot, democrat, and freedom
fighter; once Italian unification seemed possible, after the defeat of Austria,
he led a legion of Italian fighters through the Kingdom of Naples, liberated
province after province to create a unified Italian state; forced to relinquish
his territory to Camillo di Cavour's Sardinian lands in the name of unification.
William Gladstone - 1809-1898; leader of the Liberal Party
in Great Britain, though he began his career as a Tory; main advocate of the
liberal approach to government--no tariffs, free trade, no government
intervention; his government abolished tariffs, cut defense spending, lowered
taxes, kept budgets balanced, reformed the civil service into a merit-based
promotion system, and made elementary education available to and mandatory for
Georges Haussmann - 1809-1891; chief architect of the redesigned
Paris under Napoleon III; known for his utter disregard for established
neighborhoods when he redesigned Paris as a home for the upper and middle class
bourgeoisie of France; Haussman's redesigned Paris, known for its wide
boulevards, straight roads, museums, and pristine arrangement, thus served as
the model for countless other cities throughout the world.
Abraham Lincoln - American president, elected 1860; led
Union during the American Civil War and dedicated himself to the forcible
reunification of the United States. See the SparkNote on Abraham Lincoln.
Karl Marx - 1818-1883; German political philosopher and
founder of scientific socialism; published the Communist Manifesto in 1848 and
Das Kapital in 1867.
Giuseppe Mazzini - Italian patriot and democrat committed to
the unification of Italy under a liberal democratic government; leader of the
Young Italy organization, a group of mostly Italian youths and democrats who
pledged to work toward a united democratic Italy.
Napoleon III - 1808-1873; formerly Louis Napoleon and nephew
of Napoleon Bonaparte; won in the presidential election in France in December
1848, but took dictatorial powers on December 2, 1851 and took the monarchical
title; can be considered the first modern politician due to his mastery of
communication and appearances to maintain the grandeur of France; known for his
economic prosperity, rejuvenation of Paris, and support of Italian unification;
defeated in Franco-Prussian War.
American Civil War - 1861-1865; conflict between the North
and the Confederate South over states' rights, federalism, economic rights,
and, to some extent, slavery. The Civil War was an example of the forcible
unification of a union using realpolitik.
Crimean War - 1853-1856; war that pitted Russia against the
alliance of Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Sardinia;
Russia wanted warm water ports on Black Sea and thus hoped to take advantage of
weakening Ottoman Empire; France and Britain feared an upset to the balance of
power in Europe; emerged as an absolute military defeat for Russia.
Emancipation of the serfs - 1861; by the Emancipation Edict
offered by Alexander II; ended the institution of serfdom in Russia after
centuries of its use; most probably done because the government needed an
effective pool of men from which it could conscript thousands into the army;
after the defeat in the Crimean War, this was one of the efforts taken to
strengthen the weak Russian military.
Franco-Prussian War - July-September 1870; conflict between
France and Prussia over a fabricated insult allegedly made by the French
ambassador to the Prussia king; Prussia defeated France and her own territory
and took Alsace-Lorraine from France and laid siege to Paris until the country
gave in; overthrew the government and set up a parliamentary system in Paris.
Great Reforms - Tsar Alexander II's changes that he directed
from above; changes in education, the judiciary, the military, expression
rights, etcetera all seemed to follow an enlightened, liberal perspective;
however, upon careful review of these reforms, it is obvious that these were
grudging reforms with little real change.
Sevastopol - 1854-1855; Russia's heavily fortified chief
naval base in the Black Sea, lying on the Crimean peninsula; after just under
one year of constant battle and being under siege by French an British, the
Russian abandoned the fortress, blowing up their fortifications and sinking
their own ships; one example of the harsh battles of the campaign.
Seven Weeks' War - 1866; war between Prussia and Austria,
named for its very short duration; was a fabricated conflict over
administration of Holstein; complete victory for Prussia; Prussia gained
Holstein and put an end to all Austrian involvement in German affairs, clearing
a major obstacle to German unification.
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